1 April 2024

Proposal to Create a New IAU Commission on Space-Based Astronomy

Paul Scowen
Interim Chair of Inaugural Commission Committee

Annapurni Subramaniam
Interim Deputy Chair of Inaugural Commission Committee

Activity in space-based astronomy is expanding rapidly worldwide and within the International Astronomical Union (IAU). From the development of small satellite missions to the medium and large space observatories that engage large swaths of the astronomical community, scientists engaged in this research share problems and interests but lack a dedicated scientific body to assist coordinated actions. We propose to create a Commission devoted to space-based astronomy to address these needs, which are especially relevant at this time when access to space is becoming widespread. The proposal describes the need and objectives for creating the Commission and its operation within Division B.

We invite you to read over the proposal submitted to the IAU for consideration in March 2024 and ask you to consider adding your name to support the proposal using the Google form. Signatories must be IAU members to do this.

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