3 February 2021

Endorse “The Future of the Arecibo Observatory” White Paper

Tracy Becker Southwest Research Institute

Arecibo Telescope in Better DaysThe Future of the Arecibo Observatory: The Next Generation Arecibo Telescope, a white paper prepared by the Arecibo Observatory staff and other members of the scientific community, is now available to read and endorse. The white paper defines key new and improved interdisciplinary science investigations that would be enabled through the replacement of the destroyed 305-meter dish and describes an initial telescope design that can achieve these science requirements. The white paper was developed through discussions with the community and will be presented to the National Science Foundation and shared with key stakeholders from both the private and public sectors.

Access the white paper: The Future of the Arecibo Observatory: The Next Generation Arecibo Telescope

Endorse the white paper: Endorsement Form

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